Viva latina!
curadoria Cyril Drouet
Observing, contemplating and respecting the natural world that underpins all life. We share this commitment with photographers who defend this ecological sensitivity. Artists are the witnesses of the world's upheavals. For this 4th edition in Baden, we wanted to showcase a form of Latin American photography that is strongly imbued with the complexity of this continent's history and all its revolutions and hopes, with its tangle of customs, and where the fervour of its society is marked by a powerful zest for life. Whether hailing from Brazil, Ecuador or Mexico, all these photographers are firmly rooted in the everyday, capture the diversity of the continent's people, and decry the damage that is being inflicted on nature, all with a certain sense of poetry, creativity or humour. Above all, they represent a photographic art that is brimming with energy and inventiveness.
(FONTE: a publicação - original em inglês)
Contém textos de Johanna Mikl-Leitner, Stefan Szirucsek, Jacques Rocher, Lois Lammerhuber, Auguste Coudray, Stéphane Retière-Secret, Cyriln Drouhet.
Contém fotografias adicionais de Emmanuel Honorato Vásquez, Marcos López, Pablo Corral Vega, Tomás Munita, Pedro Pard, Martin Bernetti, Carl de Souza, Greg Lecoeur, Nadia Shira Cohen, Emmanuel Berthier, Pascal Maitre, Ulla Lohmann, Catalina Martin-Chico, David Bart, Coline Jourdan, Sébastien Leban, ente outros.