Windows on Latin America : understanding society through photographs
edição Robert M. Levine
THIS IS THE FIRST anthology which examines ways analysis of visual images can aid social science and the humanities in understanding contemporary and past societies. Published literature on photography in Latin America is fairly extensive —see Martha Davidson's bibliography at the end of this volume — but there are few satisfactory guidelines for the use of photographs for scholarship. This volume addresses this need through representative photographs and photographic history in Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, and Argentina.
(FONTE: a publicação - original em inglês)
Contém textos de Robert M. Levine, Ramiro A. Fernández, Louis A. Pérez Jr., Boris Kossoy, Germán Rodrigo Mejía, Gilbert M. Joseph, Steve J. Stein, Elyn Welsh, Kathleen Logan, Alejandra García Quintanilla, Martha Davidson.