Desidentidad : arte brasileira contemporânea no acervo do Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo
texto Tadeu Chiarelli
Under the title of "Dis-Identities", the exhibition curated by Tadeu Chiarelli presents the selection of the artwork of some of the most important artists of Brazil including Rosangela Rennó, Farnese de Andrade, Anna Bella Geiger, Vik Muniz, Sandra Cinto, Caio Reisewitz amongst others who with their photographic work offer a peculiar vision of contemporary Brazilian society, challenging and altering the most common Brazilian and European, indigenous and modernist identity stereotypes. Created after 1970's, the exhibited works (involving somehow photography) reflect the social and economic crisis in Brazil and the obstacles lived by some artist faced with the disintegration of the utopias conceived in the country during the first half of the 20th century. Consuelo Ciscar Casaban director of IVAM comments "When visiting the exhibition, the public will be presented with a production that covers the complexity and challenges that Brazil today represents to its artists and all its citizens."
(FONTE: site WolrdCat – original em inglês)
Contém obras de Alberto Bitar, Alfredo Nicolaiewsky, Aloísio Magalhães, Amilcar Packer, Anna Bella Geiger, Bené Fonteles, Caio Reisewitz, Cris Bierrenbach, Dora Longo Bahia, Edouard Fraipont, Fabiana Rossarola, Farnese de Andrade, Guilherme Maranhão, Helena Martins-Costa, José Guedes, Keila Alaver, Lenora de Barros, Lia Chaia, Marcelo Zocchio, Márcia Xavier, Mariano Klautau Filho, Mário N. Ishikawa, Michel Groisman, Nazareth Pacheco, Neide Jallageas, Paula Trope, Rafael Assef, Regina Silveira, Rosângela Rennó, Rubens Mano, Sandra Cinto, Vik Muniz e Waltercio Caldas.
Catálogo da exposição homônima realizada no Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo, em São Paulo, de 21 de setembro de 2006 a 7 de janeiro de 2007.
Edição multilíngue português, espanhol, inglês e valenciano.